A better fishing experience for everyone.
As a recreational fisher, you play a vital role in maintaining a healthy population of sharks, rays and other fish stocks. Understanding the different species and knowing how to fish responsibly will not only support fish populations, it’ll improve your confidence and safety. The result? A more enjoyable fishing experience, now and in the future.
Over recent years, some of you have indicated that there is room for improvement in the handling of sharks and rays. While you feel that you’re doing the right thing, you’re worried that others aren’t. You’ve told us you want the fishing community to get more credible information about the best way to catch, handle and release sharks and rays.
The Shark Mates initiative is about discovering and promoting best practice in recreational fishing guidelines so Australia can lead the way in supporting our sharks and respecting our rays.

Shark Mate
A skilled recreational fisher who cares for sharks and rays when out fishing.
A Shark Mate is a steward of their fishery and someone who:
- Takes the time to understand different shark and ray species.
- Knows how to fish responsibly and cares for the welfare of sharks and rays.
- Follows the bag and size limits to fish sustainably.
- Follows best practice guidelines whether keeping or releasing their catch.
- Actively shares their knowledge with other recreational fishers.
- Understands that healthy populations of sharks and rays help maintain fish stocks and a balanced ecosystem.
- Accepts that their actions make all the difference.
Interested in becoming a Shark Mates ambassador?

Sharken up your skills and rays your game

Sharken up your skills and rays your game
Whether you’re targeting sharks and rays or not, you need to use the right gear and have a plan in place if you catch one.

Handle with know-how
Knowing how to handle sharks and rays is vital for their safety and yours. And yes, size does matter.

Release with respect
It’s vital to release sharks and rays in the best condition possible. What you do on a boat is different to what you do on a shore or jetty.

Sharken up your skills and rays your game
Whether you’re targeting sharks and rays or not, you need to use the right gear and have a plan in place if you catch one.
Handle with know-how
Knowing how to handle sharks and rays is vital for their safety and yours. And yes, size does matter.
Release with respect
It’s vital to release sharks and rays in the best condition possible. What you do on a boat is different to what you do on a shore or jetty.